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Robustmind Mental Fitness Ltd

''Many people lack insight and or understanding of mental health and mental health problems, even though mental health is something that we all experience''
What will mental health training teach you?​
The training courses will teach you how to:
Look after you own mental health and reduce the effects of stress
Recognize the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems
Provide help on a first aid basis
Effectively guide others in the right direction towards support
Who is it for?
Large organisations (private and public)
HR professionals
Residential care providers
Trade Unions members
Emergency Service providers
Community and social workers
Those with lived experience
Family members
Foster parents and carers
Prison and Young offenders support staff
Local groups and organisations
Students (over16years of age)
What type of training course is best for you?
Robustmind Mental Fitness Ltd provides the following Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and suicide intervention courses:
Adult Mental Health First Aid 2-Day Course – The 2-day course is for anyone (16yrs minimum). Participants on this course come from a wide range of backgrounds; large employers with H&S responsibilities over their workforce/employees, private and public sector organisations, residential care home providers with duty of care responsibilities, family members wanting to gain more understanding of what their relatives are going through, teachers and youth workers and support groups who look after the needs of our younger generation, to people with lived experiences of mental distress and people who are likely to come into contact with those at risk of mental ill health problems, such as police and community social workers. The course is normally taught over two consecutive days but can be split into two one day sessions if required or can be spread out over more manageable shorter sessions to suit the needs of the participants. Click here for more information.
Adult MHFA Champions 1-Day Course – The 1-day course is for anyone (16yrs minimum). Many individuals and companies find to difficult to release personnel for two day courses, therefore the Adult MHFA Champions 1-Day Course provides the appropriate level of training and understanding of mental health issues needed to deal with mental health crisis situations (suicide), and a structured action plan to follow to support people experiencing other mental ill health problems. The course is ideally suited to individuals and companies wanting to improve the awareness and understanding of mental health issues by their employees. Participants on this course come from a wide range of backgrounds; large employers with H&S responsibilities over their workforce/employees, private and public sector organisations, residential care home providers with duty of care responsibilities, family members wanting to gain more understanding of what their relatives are going through, teachers and youth workers and support groups who look after the needs of our younger generation, to people with lived experiences of mental distress and people who are likely to come into contact with those at risk of mental ill health problems, such as police and community social workers. Click here for more information.
Adult Mental Health First Aid 1/2 day course – is a four hour awareness training session. It offers an introduction to mental health issues, stress, the challenges of stigma and discrimination and how to start a conversation about mental health. This course is ideally suited to companies (large and small) and organisations wanting to provide their employees with an awareness of mental health problems in the workplace and how to increase their personal resilience and mental well-being. Click here for more information.
Armed Forces Community Mental Health First Aid course - A bespoke 2-day course designed for serving Armed Forces personnel, the Force Reserve, veterans, dependants, friends, carers, Service Charities and those people working with the Armed Forces community. There are many misconceptions about mental health problems within the Armed Forces community. For example, due to the nature of Service life, the media has tended to focus on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when, in fact, research indicates that other problems such as adjustment disorder and alcohol misuse are much more prevalent. Having a family member such as a spouse, son or daughter- who is serving in the Armed Forces can also be very stressful. Long periods of separation, during which the family member may be deployed to a conflict zone, can lead to isolation, anxiety and depression. If that family member is seriously injured, they may end up becoming a full time carer which brings its own stresses and strains. Click here for more information.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – An intense 2-day course in suicide prevention. The course is ideally suited to large organisations or individuals working in stressful and demanding environments as well as those supporting vulnerable people of all ages. The course will teach you to recognise the warning signs and identify personnel at risk. Students will learn how to engage and interact with those considering suicide to keep them safe and help them through their distressful situation. Suicide is the biggest cause of avoidable death in the UK and you are more likely to come across someone considering suicide than someone suffering a heart attack. Early intervention, support and a safe plan will ensure those contemplating suicide regain control of their lives. Click here for more information.
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